What to Expect From a Hearing Test

Audiology First dives deeper into any unknowns to learn more about your hearing and provide better answers. 

All hearing tests aim to answer the question: how well do you hear?

At Audiology First, we take it a step further and try to understand more about your hearing to answer these questions:

  • Why do you experience sounds the way you do?
  • Where in the ears and hearing system are there any issues or concerns? 
  • What factors or experiences might have contributed to any hearing difficulties?
  • And most importantly – what are the options that can make the most significant difference to your hearing health?

Hearing challenges can be complex and challenging to understand, but the only way to find any answers is to get information. A hearing test is our primary tool to obtain data and insights into how you experience sounds and what is happening in your ears and brain.

If you’re new to hearing care, a hearing test helps you understand the current state of your hearing and if technology and treatment can improve your health and well-being.

If you already wear hearing aids, a hearing test from Audiology First will dive deeper into any unknowns. This will confirm what you already know and highlight any opportunities to leverage your hearing aids.

How Audiology First is Different

Testing is the foundation of both a diagnosis and a treatment plan. It helps us understand what is currently happening and what to expect from hearing care.

Many hearing clinics only perform basic hearing tests. These include hearing screening, simple speech and clarity tests, and a visual examination of the ears.

Audiology First is different. We take a science-based approach to hearing health care that includes detailed and thorough examinations with the latest diagnostic technology. After we understand how well you can hear, we immediately try to determine the why.

We are the most advanced hearing clinic in Southern Alberta because of our comprehensive approach to testing. Our audiologists go deeper to understand your hearing better – because outcomes are improved when everyone has more information to make a better decision.

What Happens During a Hearing Test

When you book a hearing test at Audiology First, you will meet one-on-one with an audiologist to go through the assessments and discuss your results. Our goal is to seek as many answers as possible during your test and then share them with you right away.

The typical steps to a hearing test at Audiology First are:

  1. Your audiologist will ask questions to explore your medical history and lifestyle. This conversation will contribute to a diagnosis and help your audiologist understand how you experience sounds in various environments.
  2. We will complete a range of hearing tests best suited to the hearing challenges that you are experiencing. This includes examining your ear organ, a review of your neurological functioning and measurement of your understanding of speech.
  3. Whenever necessary, our team will complete advanced tests that can offer further insights. We are always happy to share the intent of every test and what we are hoping to learn from it.

The tests are painless and non-invasive. Our advanced diagnostic equipment makes the process more comfortable while delivering accurate and reliable results. The clinic also has multiple sound booths, so our audiologists never have to rush through appointments. 

Sometimes the tests can feel repetitive or similar to the last one, but we rely on a range of assessments to pinpoint where there might be a problem. We don’t want to waste your time – instead, we want to get as much information as possible to save time, money and uncertainty in the future.

Tips for Your Hearing Test

  • Before your hearing test, reflect on how your hearing challenges impact your daily life. We will also ask questions to explore the impacts you may not even be aware of. This information can be just as helpful as the hard data we receive from hearing tests.
  • Feel free to bring a close friend or family member to your appointment. You will feel more comfortable, and it can be beneficial to have someone there to remember extra details or write down information. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, appointments may be limited to just you and your clinician. Please review the clinic’s COVID-19 guidelines or call us before bringing another person to your appointment.

What Happens After a Hearing Test

When the examination is complete, your audiologist will discuss your results in detail.

This conversation is equally important as the tests themselves. We want you to find the information as helpful as we do, so we will take the time to explain what we learned from the tests and review any outstanding questions we may have.

If the root cause of your challenges is known, we will walk you through the details of your hearing condition. If we still have more questions about your hearing health, we will work with you to schedule a follow-up appointment or refer you to a specialist.

We will also take the time to go through all of your treatment and technology options. If hearing aids are an option, we will discuss what you can expect from using hearing aids regularly in your daily life.


But you don’t need to commit to anything right away. Our goal is to ensure you have all of the information you need, so you can take the next step when you are ready.

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By Glenn Hole 04 Feb, 2022
Considering our hearing system involves both the brain and ears, it makes sense that hearing loss is connected with mental health. The link between the two is complex. Hearing loss can contribute to mental health issues (including fatigue, anxiety and depression), but it isn’t the only and definite cause of these issues. Unlike many factors that contribute to mental health, hearing loss is a tangible challenge that can often be managed through technology and therapy. It is one aspect that you can control to improve your mental well-being. Mental health effects of hearing loss For many people, the effects of hearing loss are noticeable. They may struggle to understand what other people are saying in a group conversation. Or they always have to turn up the volume of the television. For others, the effects of hearing loss may not be perceivable. A gradual onset of hearing loss can make it challenging to notice the changes. It is not uncommon for family members or friends to notice hearing loss in a loved one before they acknowledge it. The mental health effects of hearing loss are often invisible. Cognitive decline While not yet fully understood, some researchers are seeing a link between hearing loss and mild forms of cognitive decline. There are a few theories as to why cognitive decline may be associated with hearing loss. Hearing loss often interferes with interpersonal communication, either directly or by causing people to avoid social interactions that would stimulate the brain further. Other researchers have investigated how hearing loss causes the brain to work harder to comprehend sound signals that are weaker or incomplete. Research is still ongoing in this area. Anxiety and depression Hearing loss can contribute to anxiety and depression due to how it impacts our day-to-day lives and relationships. Those with hearing loss may miss out on conversations with loved ones or prefer to avoid social events. They may have trouble working, be unable to perform sports that require instruction and even have trouble watching movies with friends and family. Some who experience hearing loss feel a sense of shame and avoid situations that are uncomfortable. Hearing loss is often just one compounding factor of many when it comes to anxiety and depression. Even if hearing loss is unperceivable, it can contribute to unnecessary stress. Isolation and loneliness Isolation and loneliness are common effects of hearing loss. For many people, it is easier to stay at home and avoid situations where hearing is challenging. Fatigue Fatigue is associated with hearing loss because the brain has to work harder to hear and comprehend speech. This can lead to physical and cognitive exhaustion. How hearing aids contribute to mental well-being The connection between hearing loss and mental health is explained by the relationship between the brain and ears . When hearing loss is present, the brain receives incomplete or weaker sound signals from the ears. The brain has to work harder to comprehend these signals and fill in any gaps. This additional cognitive effort and strain can contribute to exhaustion and fatigue. Recurring exhaustion can compound with the effects of hearing loss to contribute to social isolation, anxiety and depression. Fortunately, brains are incredibly adaptable. Hearing aids can improve the quality and clarity of sound signals, so the brain doesn’t need to work as hard to process the sound signals. Hearing aids can minimize the cognitive load, which can reduce or remove some factors that lead to exhaustion, fatigue, social isolation, anxiety and depression. Treating hearing loss as early as possible can help to improve mental well-being. Just as the brain adapts to hearing loss, it also has to adapt to hearing aids. The earlier you start wearing hearing aids, the sooner your brain can learn to leverage the improved quality of sound signals. Hearing health is in your control Many factors that are associated with mental health are out of your control, but you can manage your hearing loss. Book a hearing test with us today to understand the state of your hearing system. If you notice a loved one or friend with hearing challenges, encourage them to get a hearing test. They may not even notice their hearing loss and the effects it has on their daily life, so the results of a hearing test can provide clarity and comfort.
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